Vehicle Damaged? No

Fuel Level Adjusted?

Missing Items? No

Event: Toyota Dealer Mtg

F/E Yes

B/E No

VIN: 3020000000000
Ext Color: White
Odometer Front-End:
Odometer Back-End:
Stock# 0000
Model: Camry Hybrid
Body Style: 4 Door Car
F/E Fuel Level:
# Keys:
B/E Fuel Level:
# Fobs:

Added or Removed Items

Installed Uplift Items

Missing Uplift Items

Additional Comments:

Frontend Inspection Date: 2024-09-04
Frontend Inspector's Name: Ed Castro
Backend Inspection Date:
Backend Inspector's Name:
Person receiving vehicle- Inspect vehicle before accepting possession. Take picture of any additional damage found and note damage and any additional missing items not captured on this form.
Vehicle Received by (Print Name): Date Received: