Vehicle Damaged? Yes

Fuel Level Adjusted? No

Missing Items? No

Event: PebbleBeach

F/E Yes

B/E Yes

VIN: JT8UF1 1 E 7 L000
Ext Color: White
Odometer Front-End: 0000
Odometer Back-End: 0000
Stock# 1
Model: LS 400
Body Style: 4 Door Car
F/E Fuel Level: Empty
# Keys: 1
B/E Fuel Level: Empty
# Fobs: 1

Added or Removed Items

Antenna: N/A-Arrived w/o
Floor Matts - Carpet: Remained
Floor Matts - Rubber: N/A-Arrived w/o
Knobs: Remained
Shift Knob: Remained
Owners Manual: N/A-Arrived w/o
Cup Holder Inserts: Remained
Headphones: N/A-Arrived w/o
DVD Remote: N/A-Arrived w/o
SD Nav Card: N/A-Arrived w/o
Charge Cord: N/A-Arrived w/o
Front License Bracket: N/A-Arrived w/o
Bed Liner: No
Spare Tire: Remained
Tire Jack: Remained
Loose Tools, Hook: Remained
First Aid Kit: N/A-Arrived w/o
Air Compressor: N/A-Arrived w/o
Tow Hitch Cap: N/A-Arrived w/o
Cargo Shade: N/A-Arrived w/o
Cargo Net: N/A-Arrived w/o
Cargo Management System: N/A-Arrived w/o
Cargo Mat Carpet: N/A-Arrived w/o
Cargo Mat Rubber: N/A-Arrived w/o
Items Bagged/Stored Pre-Show: No
Added/Removed Items Notes: Vehicle locked nothing removed

Installed Uplift Items


Missing Uplift Items


Additional Comments:

Both a pillars on both sides of the window are chipped on the edges 

Damage Photos

Damage Area


White 1989 Lexus LS 400 Wheel LR Damage in Orange CA
Wheel LR Damage

Over 3" /up to and including 6"

White 1989 Lexus LS 400 Pillar Windshield in Orange CA
Pillar Windshield

Chipped (Except glass,Panel edge)
Less than and including 1"

White 1989 Lexus LS 400 Qtr Panel Ext/RR in Orange CA
Qtr Panel Ext/RR

Less than and including 1"

White 1989 Lexus LS 400 Door Jam Front Left in Orange CA
Door Jam Front Left

Over 6" /up to and including 12"

White 1989 Lexus LS 400 Door Jam Rear Left in Orange CA
Door Jam Rear Left

Over 6" /up to and including 12"

Frontend Inspection Date: Invalid date
Frontend Inspector's Name: Mike Boesch
Backend Inspection Date: Invalid date
Backend Inspector's Name: Mike Boesch
Person receiving vehicle- Inspect vehicle before accepting possession. Take picture of any additional damage found and note damage and any additional missing items not captured on this form.
Vehicle Received by (Print Name): Date Received: